Precious Wates Founder

Many people set goals of living a life with more purpose. But what does that look like? Purpose. It is the buzzword. Purpose-driven, purpose living, walking in your purpose, running with purpose, purpose-focused.

We want to find our purpose and live on purpose. But what does that really mean basically and what do we do with it once we get it?

I am very passionate about being purpose-driven. One of the practical ways I think that we can begin to discover that is to do the work. Do what you do!! It’s a phrase I use all the time. Do what you do!

There are things God has intentionally allowed in our lives and in our past, the painful stuff, the great things, the people who’ve hurt us—all of those things mixed in with the ingredients of our personality and our gifts and experiences, even the experiences that didn’t make sense. The experience where we’ve said, “Why do have this job?” “Why have I been called to ministry?” “Why did I move to this city?” All of these things to me make this beautiful mixture that God uses to craft our story. It’s not just my giftings because there are a million people with similar gifts, but they’ve got different stories and they’ve got different personalities and so those gifts will manifest themselves in different ways.

I say, basically, if I want to find purpose, do the work. It is amazing and necessary to be rooted in Scripture, to be prayerful, and to ask God to show you who you are. But it’s important that we do the work. God has something for us to do. And once you do the work, don’t just know your purpose, but live out your purpose.

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